Friday, August 31, 2007

Brandon Sutter Nails Alexei Cherepanov

This looks like a case of retaliation. You might notice that Cherepanov and Sutter had some contact at the beginning of the clip that could have pissed off Sutter.


The Unhappy Camper said...

Did he leave his feet?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely was a retaliation, but a justified one. Cherapanov got what was coming to him. What he did to Sutter was far worse than Sutter's retaliation. Sutter could have easily broken his tailbone, injured his back or sufferred a head injury. At least Sutter came at Cherapanov head on. The hit, while a little high, was NOT that far out of the norm for hockey. I've been to hundreds of games, and seen many more on TV, and have never seen anything like what Cherapanov did. Maybe he learned a lesson of what not to do when he makes it to the NH